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ออฟไลน์ aofarashizaa

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ออฟไลน์ aofarashizaa

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ไม่มีใครตอบผมหน่อยรอครับ กำลังจะทำเว็บอยู่อ่ะ

ออฟไลน์ two04260

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 it's probably okay at the entry level to go with the weaker version of an enchant. Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion wedding dresses wow power leveling The more powerful ones generally take Abyss Crystals and the like, and may be a bit steep. In addition, there's a few other quirks and special enchantments to watch out for. Let's take a look, by slot, at some of the best choices for enchanting for both DPS and Tanking.Weapon Runeforging is better than wedding dresses enchanting, just to get that out of the way. There's no use wasting shards and dust on a weapon enchant when a better one is just a Death Gate away. As far as which to get, Watches rolex though, let's look at the options.For DPS, it's very hard to go wrong by just applying Rune of the Fallen Crusader. The health will help soak up environmental damage, and strength will translate to AP, which will translate to spellpower, which means a large overall boost to your damage. Even better hxnybsteby is the fact that it scales, wow gold meaning the better your gear gets, the better the proc gets. If you're running a Howling Blast build, you might get away with Razorice (Some of our commenters suggest using it on the offhand while keeping crusader on your main hand), but otherwise, there shouldn't be any question in your mind that Fallen Crusader fits the Louis Vuitton Bags bill.Tanking has a choice between two enchants: Rune of Swordshattering and Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle. If you haven't hit the 540 skill defense cap, wow power leveling take the gargoyle, no ifs, ands, or buts. Once you get past 540, there's some small amount of debate over which enchantment works best. 4% parry is a very nice chunk of avoidance.zdm

ออฟไลน์ saradede

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ออฟไลน์ goodkv

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