SMF Thailand.

SMF Support => General Thai Support => ข้อความที่เริ่มโดย: cesterin889 ที่ 22/09/21, 16:22:33

หัวข้อ: Intestines of infant humans rather sterile until birth,
เริ่มหัวข้อโดย: cesterin889 ที่ 22/09/21, 16:22:33
Intestines of infant humans rather sterile until birth, which relies on bacteria from the environment around them and its mother [13] microbiota, which makes it different from the intestinal tract of infants to adults. Babies enter the adult stage of their microbiome at about 3 years of age when the diversity of their microbiome increases, stabilizes and babies switch to solid food. Breastfed babies are colonized by Bifidobacterium Previously, compared to infant formula fed primarily

อ่านต่อได้ที่  โรงเรียนบ้านควนเนียง (
นานาสาระ    Bifidobacterium (